Constantin Orasan's page

All kind of random stuff on NLP, AI, photography and who knows

3-Minute Read

I am a big fan of the WP Mendeley and I have been using it for quite a long time. I use Mendeley to maintain my bibliography anyway, so having an automatic way to display various sets of publications in WordPress is a bonus. One of the features that I missed is the option to display the abstract of papers. This is not available out of the box, but it’s not too difficult to achieve. Here are the steps that I had to take in order to…

19-Minute Read

A few weeks ago I introduced my students to the notion of dictionaries in python. The obvious way of teaching them, especially in the context of my module, is to use dictionaries to create word frequency lists. In order to make the students understand better why dictionaries are useful, we discussed other ways to produce frequency lists which use only lists. This prompted me to try to think as many ways as possible to produce frequency lists. I also wanted to see how feasible is to use these…

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